Thursday, October 30, 2008

Unrequited Love

Since buddy is now talking about Love Unrequited..a subject I never thought his pen(or rather his keyboard in this case) would dispense.
The beautiful sublimity of the prose he has brought forth gains an inexplicable level of significance for her not having read it.
As it may be, my gut twirls too and my heart flings itself within the inadequate confines of any medium of expression..

If I were to compare and contrast then his love is sublime beauty and mine is extreme insanity!

Prose is not my forte, I guess this better explains the madness thats my Unrequited Love..

I still hope in time that he will be mine,
Even though I know otherwise;
I'm aware that I'm being blind,
But its the only way I keep alive.

Though the distance physically has grown,
I feel his heartbeat closer than my own;
He's not even a part of my day,
Yet he lives alongside me always.

In this delusional world of mine,
My love for him is the only sign that;
I exist in this fabric of time,
He lives in this world where I survive.

His presence in mind is so strong,
Thats why I feel my world is all wrong;
Without him I do easily exist,
But it is exceedingly difficult to live.

A glimpse of him breathes life in me,
A reason to live and go on I see;
Emotions though are a complete upheaval,
Happines, melancholy & anguish all part of me!


buddy said...


im glad my plight stirred you sufficiently to spout such beautiful poetry

and when i come to Mumbai, daru on the rocks..for both of us...

here's to unrequited love!

Sneha P said...

cheers buddy!!! :)

Prashanti :) said...

beautiful post!!!! Love the way you have framed those lines and then the meaning is so very beautiful and true !!!

Anonymous said...

*applauding *awestruck *spellbound *about to break tear!

Sneha P said...

i've buddy here to thank who stirred the memories...

Thanks :)
I'm touched..!

maxdavinci said...

aww will the two of you stop it! senti ke upar senti maaring!

That apart, brialliant wordplay...

buddy said...

indha max, hanky teesko

Fat Gujju! said...

gr8 job... buddy i think got his answer some oder way though....

Anonymous said...

wow!! that was something!

Swatimala said...

tht was really really beautiful

Lavanya said...

im going to cry now.

Sneha P said...

thanks max..yea..we will stop senti marring for a while now..that was quite an overdose!

i really didnt know u could speak telugu..

@Fat Gujju:
hey!!! how r u!!
but in WHAT way did buddy get his answer re...neither of us got it?? :(

@padmaja & swatimala:
thank u :)

@Coconut Chutney:
chal now we'll hopefully make u laugh soon enuff!

Fat Gujju! said...

buddy knows ... but he aint sayin it ... pester him more...
i jus hope he does not kill me!